Friday, November 1, 2013

Just a Little Bit

Just a Little Bit: Updates from around my life for your Friday afternoon.

I am starting to get excited for baby's entrance. Not just "yeah, it's exciting to have a baby on the way but.... but... but" but actually EXCITED! Every so often I have this moment where I can feel a part of the Take Two-- Back? Bum? as it presses into me and I can sort of pat baby and it hits me that this is a real baby. My real baby. The surrealness of this whole situation lifts for just an instance and I get a little glimpse of what it might have been like to do this with Blue Sunday.

Fall is here: Halloween has passed and Thanksgiving is on it's way. Take Two is coming in less than 3 months, even if I go the allowed 2 weeks overdue. I'm 9 weeks- single digits!- from due date. The weather is a little warm for it to feel like it's nearly winter, but it's coming. Last year Halloween was really hard and I was dreading the upcoming holiday season.  This year, I can't wait.. and I feel like a traitor for it.

While on traitorous thoughts: JAM is pregnant and due the first week of March. His sister (who married a good friend of ours- I think I'll call him Officer Friendly) is also pregnant and due in mid April. Last night we went to JAM's for a Reality TV themed Halloween party (Hub and I were 16 and pregnant), Officer Friendly was there and we were all talking about the impending baby boom. 3 babies in just over 3 months- the men have been friends since they were little. I found myself thinking how awesome and fun this will be- built in mom friends, play dates and parenting support. 3 couples transitioning at the same moment. Not to mention College Friend and Ray who have just welcomed little ones. Then I felt just awful. Blue Sunday would have been born at a time when we were far and away the only one's trying. Now, with an 18 month old we should just be having friends join us in the parenting world. May be we'd be looking at number 2. That wouldn't have been bad, or less fun. Just different.. right? Being happy to have friends join us in parenting doesn't mean I wouldn't have been happy if we had Blue Sunday here with us. I felt guilty anyway.

Little Bit More:

Today is the birth date of a little boy, Leo. He was freed by TFMR a year ago. His mom is now cautiously, happily expecting twin girls. Spare a thought for her today- it is so hard to mark these anniversaries. (NOTE from the great re-post: These little girls are here and thriving :) )

Just a little
Just a little bit
Little bit more
Just a little bit  

Gina G, Just a little bit 

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