Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Ultimate Cycle: IUI #2 Last Dance

IUI was this morning. This was the only chance this cycle, so hope it was a good one (EDIT: I lied, we gave it one last try Tuesday night. Just so IF I am pregnant there is a chance it was from traditional sexy time). There was less cramping than last time. I don't think that means anything other than that I feel better.

Count was down from last month (17.64 million vs 22.something million). Though not low enough to be an issue, I would have liked to beat last month.

We have a canoeing/camping trip planned for the weekend of the 19th- that's 10DPO. I guess I'll take a test that morning and hope it's definitive either way. If it's not positive, I will be drinking.. but I would rather not be drinking and have it be positive.

Tick tick.

Hub asked me as I was walking out of the IUI if I felt pregnant. It's going to be a loooonnggggg few weeks.

Last Dance
Last Chance For Love
Yes, it's my last chance
Donna Summer, Last Dance


  1. I know someone who got a BFP on her 6th and final IUI. I know it's been shitty since you started ATTC, but I'm hoping and praying this was the magic round.

  2. Clearly your husband needs the powerpoint that I drafted for MY husband explaining the mysteries of the uterus and menstrual cycle.
