Welcome to the first day of Spring.
Snow is in the forecast, and the space heater is still on in the (freezing, un-insulated) kitchen.
Never-the-less it's been getting slightly warmer, the sun is out more, I heard a bird chirp the other day.
Spring is a time of hope.
I am feeling hopeful.
O day was today, triggered Wednesday. I had 1.5 follicles- one was 22 one was 16, which is too small unless it gained another 2mm in the time between scan an O- which is possible since it takes 24-36 hours to O and there were an additional 15 hours between scan and trigger. Does the trigger prevent additional growth?
Should I get pregnant this cycle I'd be due 2 weeks before Christmas, bub was born 2 weeks after Christmas (to the day). That feels right.
I hope it's this month.
If not, we're in for some freaky timing.
1/4/2012- Blue Sunday Termination
1/4/2014- Bub due date
1/8/2014- Bub born
1/9/2016- April 2014 conception due date.
With that in mind.. I kind of assume it will be next month. That's how things work for me. Hub and I had our first date 5/19 and he proposed on that date 4 years later. It wasn't in any way intentional- there was a big event that night where he proposed. There have been many other times these things have lined up, but that's the most dramatic one.
I hope it's this month, but if not... I like my chances next month too.
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it slip away
U2, Beautiful Day
Your follies continue to grow even after the trigger, you're at should be an 18 or 19 by the time you get the IUI. I know I'm late and you've had the IUI by now, but I'm rooting for you!