I'm nowhere.
Negative beta at 14DPO, but no sign of my next cycle starting.
It's giving me too much time to think. Thinking isn't getting me anywhere. I am trying not to plan on this (next) cycle failing. If it does, I think we're out of IUI. (I go in tomorrow and hopefully I can convince them that I should do a third IUI- which would me two more tries rather than one).
Otherwise, it's on to IVF.
I still have mixed feelings on this. Hub and I know we'll do the genetic screening on any embryos. He broached the topic of selecting a female if all other things are equal. He would like a daughter and knows that I will be sad if I never have a girl. But, if I chose, I think I would choose another boy. I would love bub to have a close relationship with his sibling- and this is more likely (in my experience) with a same-sex sibling. That leaves us presumably, not sex-selecting- which is fine with both of us- but has sparked an interesting conversation.
This is hopefully an unnecessary discussion, but that's not how I'm feeling. Hub was shocked the IUI failed. I was not. I don't know what that says about me, my mental health or the odds of this working.
I was going for your bfp and really wanted this to work. It makes me angry that it didn't and I hope your next cycle is the bfp. I know ppl who did up to 6 iui's to get pregnant. *hugs*