Sunday, July 19, 2015

IVF #1: D12 Trigger Night

What a weekend. 

I've been up early both mornings to do bloodwork and ultrasounds. Bub is still feeling lousy and coughing up a storm. I was supposed to have  beach day, but I would have been so late, and bloated, and with a sick baby.. so I skipped it. 

So yesterday there were NINE measurable follicles! They ranged from 12-17mm. There were also "5-10" small ones on each ovary. How the heck did that happen in 2 days? (on Thursday, there were 5 total measurable and one small on each ovary). This morning there were still 9, ranging from 12-22. E2 was 2074 (1749 yesterday)

I trigger tonight, and go for the retrieval 8am Tuesday morning. YAY!