So. All was well in the waiting front, but then today I got a call from my RE's office that they are rescheduling me from 8/18 (a week from today) to 9/16. I am disappointed. So disappointed in fact that I wrote the following e-mail to my nurse:
No response yet, she is usually right on top of it, so I am hoping she is working on 'finding' an appointment, even though I was told nothing is available by the woman rescheduling me. I'll keep you posted,
Hi Nurse,
This is Lizzy. I was trying to wait for my appointment which was scheduled for a week from today to ask a few questions, but it was just rescheduled for 5 weeks from now (9/16/2015).
I started my cycle on 7/26, which was the Sunday after my Tuesday egg retrieval. I started birth control then, but have been spotting since. Is this OK? While on the topic of birth control, am I to just continue taking it until my appointment on 9/16? This is 7 weeks on BCP.
I need to say before I close that I am disappointed and upset with how this process has been since egg retrieval. My retrieval was 7/21, I spoke to the doctor on 7/23 (4 awesome looking embryos). I called to prompt results both 7/21 and 7/27 (for biopsy results). I didn't hear from Dr. that day (you gave me the results- 1 made it to biopsy and freeze). My husband and I were very upset at the results and have been looking forward to speaking with doc next week. I felt that the 3+ weeks from biopsy to follow-up appointment was long, and now we will be waiting even more. I think 8 weeks is a very long wait. I know that it is the summer time, and that you're very busy, but I have a lot of questions about my response, the growth of my embryos and most importantly how and when we will be transferring my embryo.