Saturday, October 25, 2014

Isn’t it Nice to Be Home Again

(Editors note: clearly I wrote this several weeks ago...)

I am back from London and readjusted. It was a crazy trip. I traveled Wednesday leaving at 8am Boston time (meaning I was at the airport at 6, so up at 4). Poor kins. I had to wake him so hub could drive me to the airport. It was also his out as long as he was in date (ish- I might have been a day or two off)- so we took a picture:
And one of the family so I could look at it and sob on my travels.
Actually, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I missed my boys like crazy, but I was so busy and I knew kins was in good hands. I have a wonderful hub who has become a wonderful dad. Plus my parents watched him on weekdays as normal. I did cry at the airport saying bye to him, didn’t help that he started crying when I put him back in his car seat.
I landed at 7 local time and after getting to the hotel and settling in I had dinner and pints with one of my vendors, who is a super nice guy with a 4 year old at home. We talked about kids, sports and work- it was a really nice dinner considering he was a stranger.
We got a baby cam for kins' room and I was able to peek in on kins and hub getting ready for bed, and kins sleeping. It was adorable, most of the time. The first night hub let kins cry for a bit to see if he would put himself to sleep- he did. He wasn’t sobbing, mostly just a fussy cry, but it was REALLY hard for me, watching from London. Then he did the same the next 2 nights. I now seem to have a baby who (mostly) sleeps through the night.
Can you believe it? 9.5 months and he had slept through the night once for me, and 4 times for other people- AKA EVERY time I haven’t been with him overnight. Clearly, it’s me. The night I came home (Saturday) it was already WAY past his bedtime, so he went right to sleep and slept through. The next night he woke once at 2am, starving. He always falls asleep when I BF him.. I think it puts him out before he is full and so he wakes again hungry, only to be BFed to sleep. Vicious cycle. Monday night I filled him up with solids, puffs and the BF, and he slept from 7:30-6:15!!!! AH-MAZE-ING.
Speaking of 9.5 months… I am clearly behind on my 9 month kins date. It’s coming. For some reason blogger stopped uploading pictures from anything but my phone. It’s really annoying and makes my posts few and far between.

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