Friday, October 28, 2016

Month One

One Month

2 days

1 Month

Weight- 9 lbs 2 oz (at 5 weeks)

Nicknames- Baby G, Little G, MG

Diapers- Newborn

Milestones- Going home, 

umbilical cord stump falling off, meeting friends and family, 
first wedding crashed, 

first dinner out, 
Someone paid for our meal this day!

first trip to the zoo, first hockey game

Sleep- Hub and I have worked out a system. I go to bed early, between 930 and 10:30. I sleep until Surya needs to eat again, around 1 or 2am. Most nights she'll sleep until 3:30 or 4. Often she will sleep from then until 7- the catch is, that's only on top of me. I have another unputdownable baby. 

Clothes- Newborn

Eating- Every few days we give Surya a formula bottle sometime between 9 and 11p. This is so I can get a little sleep. Otherwise, Surya is breastfed on demand. She eats way, way less than Kins did.

Likes- She is just a love! She loves snuggling and is so happy. Hardly ever cries and puts up with a lot of tough love from her big brother. She like car rides, Her family, kisses, getting changed and baths! (don't like this picture mislead you)

Dislikes- Sleeping alone

Illness- None, knock on wood!

Of Note- Surya watched the Cubs win the
world series for the first time in 108 years!

I could explode with love for her.

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